My Passion


Natural Dye is Naturally a healthy fabric and a healthier environment

Many people at the markets always ask, so how do you do this?

I collect many leaves, twigs, seed pods, anything botanical that looks interesting, some of those things will go into storage, dried, fermented, or I will use fresh. I lay out my fabric, lay out my designs, this takes time, then I use a high temperature (steaming method) over a long time. Relying on the fact that the Tannin’s in the plants will contact to the protein fibers in the fabric.

You could call it Alchemy, maybe magic, nature is the provider of this beautiful craft and it does have an element of unpredictability, there are always surprises, and plants never stay the same, they change with the seasons, there age, the weather conditions, it is almost impossible to repeat the same image. Therefore, I am constantly learning, constantly sampling, and constantly enjoying my work.


It’s a favourite of mine

A natural red dye in raw state as plant roots.The primary dye component is alizarin, which is found in the roots of several plants and trees. Madder is cultivated and grows wild throughout India, south east Asia, Turkey, Europe, south China, parts of Africa, Australia and Japan. Dye yields reds and pinks, turkey red and a variety yellows and browns.

Chamomile is growing wild on our farm.


Avocado is taking over as favourite handmade dye, you will see lots of this in my new range of Maxi dresses this summer. This season is sooo good  here in Australia this year , lucky as I use at least 50 stones per large pot of dye.


Im in love with this handmade dye, some amazing colours from this from off white to dark gold. And smells amazing brewing in a large pot of 100 organic tea bags !

Its almost endless what plants you can dye with, and I’m always experimenting. Recently using Flame Tree Flowers which was lots of fun.
Eucalyptus Dye for amazing golds, there really isn’t any need to look further than our Australian natives for amazing natural colours and Eco Imprints.